Restoration of Bob Krzywicki’s 1958 MGA Coupe – Introduction

Here is my 1958 MGA Coupe driver quality restoration thread.
June 4, 2012 – I purchased this from a 79 year old man in Lancaster, VA (Northern Neck area) who purchased it from a neighbors yard in 1985. It has been in and out of covered storage over his ownership and has never run in his ownership. He had previously restored an MGA in 1965 and purchased this to restore but never got around to it. He did, however, buy a complete leather interior kit, carpet kit, new bumpers and overriders, complete rubber gasket kit, headliner kit, new grill and he has good rear glass (all 3 pcs) and a good front windshield. The parts he bought are in good shape with some wear from storage and some fading on the carpet from the sun shining in on an open box. The door panels are a little bowed and I think they can be straightened out. Of course this car came with an extra Triumph Spitfire motor and trans and spit fire seats, extra MGA trans and an additional bonnet. This will be a driver quality restoration done in my home garage and aimed at having fun and using the parts that came with the car. The work will be done with my sons and any skills they want to brush up on concerning welding and body work will be practiced on the project. We look at this as a fun family project and don’t get to wound up in a production environment or set any sort of time frames for completion….so follow along as we eat the elephant one bite at a time. This is my second MGA and my 5th British sports car between years 1954-1969.