A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Ottawa

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Ottawa

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to OttawaNormally I am on my own going to a NAMGAR event but this year I decided to travel with a group of NAMGAR members. I did something else different this year. I lent one of my cars to a person from California to drive to the GT. They lived in California and did not want to drive the whole way to Ottawa so they came to Pittsburgh and we drive up together.

We met the rest of the group in Williamsport, Pa. After settling in to the motel and waiting for everybody to arrive, we all walked across the street for dinner. There were thirty of us and it took a while to get us all seated and served, but the restaurant did fine with the group. After dinner we worked on some of the cars, and then went to bed for an early start.

The next day we broke up into groups of five cars and set out for the next stop. It was a little cloudy, and looked like rain, but it was dry when we started. Two cars with their tops up and two with their tops down. Well it did start to rain but only lightly at first, and we traveled about seventy miles hoping it would stop, but it didn’t. I was the last of the group driving my pick up truck with my car on a trailer. Yes I have been called a woos!

When the lead car turned into a small shopping center. I said to Bonnie “why are we going in here”, but I soon learned what for. There was a bank in the center and most banks have a drive thru and it was Sunday. There were two drive thru locations and this was a great spot to stop to put up the tops on the two cars. I said to Bonnie “this guy is not as dumb as he looks”. The first car pulled in under the drive thru and started to put his top up. The second car already with his top up, parked under the other drive thru. The third car with his top down sat out in the rain waiting for the second car to catch on as to why we had stopped here. It was only for a few moments, but it was long enough for all of us to see and it gave us something to ride this guy about for the rest of the trip. One of the guys said, “what do you expect from somebody from California”!

More of the story on our trip in the next article.

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