Treasurer’s Plea

Treasurer’s Plea

Treasurer’s PleaThe major expense last year was the cost of printing and mailing the NAMGAR membership directory. This will be replaced by an online directory in 2017.

I have been NAMGAR’s Treasurer for four years now, and the worst part of the job for me is the annual Board meeting. As Treasurer I am responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, and I hate this job! This year’s Board meeting was held in Solvang, California, at the GT-42 Corque Hotel

Online membership renewal is growing, but many of our members pay their dues by mailing me a check with their reminder slip. Some members write a small note on their renewal notice thanking me for doing the job. One day I received a renewal notice with a different note on the slip. It read “I don’t want to be a member of an organization where all the magazine articles and events are on the East coast!”. I was not sure how to handle this, so I passed it on to the Chairman for the official NAMGAR response.

California is the state with the most NAMGAR members, and the most cars registered. We have worked hard to have a GT on the West coast this year, so this is your chance to attend a West Coast event. I wish I could remember the name of the note writer. I would look for him at the GT to talk to him. I am planning on driving my car from Pittsburgh, and I hope to see you there. If you see me, and have questions about NAMGAR’s finances, don’t be afraid to ask. I might have an answer that will surprise you!

6 thoughts on “Treasurer’s Plea

  1. Comment by: Colyn Firth

    I agree with Ken Clay and Thomas Aczel in that I would be very happy to receive an “On-line” copy of MGA magazine.

    It would be just as interesting, quicker to arrive and it would save you a fortune in publishing and postage costs.

    Maybe you could ask each of your members which they prefer.


  2. Comment by: Ken Clay

    I totally agree with Thomas P Aczel in Australia.
    As another International member (UK) receiving the MGA mag electronically would save a huge amount on printing and International postage, these savings could be passed on to members both in the US/Canada and abroad.


  3. Comment by: Thomas P Aczel

    George, since you are discussing the cost of printing and posting the annual NAMGAR directory, may I say that I for one would also be very happy to receive my copies of “MGA!” magazine as an on line publication.
    I’d imagine it would save NAMGAR a very significant amount of recurrent expenditure in printing and postage costs if this option could be implemented for those members interested in a non-paper copies of their MGA!. (You could consider offering a discounted annual membership fee for those taking their copies of MGA! electronically).
    For me personally it would be far more convenient to store the “magazines” in an on-line format. It would also be much easier to find specific articles I might want to look at again in the future. I’m getting flooded at home with the many regular publications I receive, and I have started throwing them out, which seems a shame. I’d prefer to be able to keep them indefinitely.
    In the meantime, thank to you and all those at NAMGAR for a job well done!

  4. Comment by: George M. Kress

    The job is not difficult. It just takes a commitment do doing it on time each week. I am now on vacation so when I get back I will have three weeks work to do at one time. The cost of one years membership is $37.50. You will receive a notice when this is due or just mail me a check for your dues and I will give you a credit for another year. Mail to
    George Kress 5048 Bakerstown Rd. Gibsonia, Pa.15044.Make the check out to NAMGAR.

  5. Comment by: Jerry J Hudrlik

    Thank you for your response. I can understand that your job is or can be difficult. I must admit that I have not been a very active member. I do jump up and down when another MGA Magazine arrives. My main reason for writing was to determine when I need to pay for another period of membership. Jerry

  6. Comment by: Jerry J Hudrlik

    Thank you for your response. I can understand that your job is or can be
    difficult. I must admit that I have not been a very active member. I do jump up and down when another MGA Magazine arrives. My main reason
    for writing was to determine when I need to pay for another period of membership. Jerry