GT Posters Updated

GT Posters Updated

GT Posters UpdatedIf you have gone to a NAMGAR GT, you’ve probably seen the “Where We Have Been” and “Where Are You From?” posters. There have been a couple versions of each done and they need to be redone every few years.

It was getting to be time to do another version of each, and there was some discussion about making the “Where We Have Been” poster a bit more colorful. There were several ideas thrown around, such as using the dash plaques on a new poster (there were several reasons that didn’t work out). In the end, a representative logo was taken from or inspired by either the dash plaque or other GT artwork to represent each of the NAMGAR GTs. Note: click on the images below for a larger version.

Where we have been

Previous posters were mounted on a foam core material and, for the “Where Are You From?” poster, this worked well for sticking in the pins. Printers have started to move to using a PVC backing material, and the new posters are mounted this way. It is more durable than the foam core, and thinner also. But for our purposes it’s less ideal, as is more difficult to insert the pins. Unfortunately, I was unaware of this mounting change, so when you go to insert pins in the new the “Where Are You From?” poster, please do so carefully. I will pay more attention to the mounting options next time the pin poster needs to be redone.

There are many people to thank for their contributions to this poster. First and foremost, thank you to all of the artists who originally designed the artwork that was either used on, or the inspiration for, the logos on the poster. To do these logos, I needed good pictures of all of the dash plaques. Thank you to Steve Mazurek and Len Bonnay for sending me those pictures. There was much discussion and feedback before and during the design of these posters, and thank you Carol Shamonsky, Mike Jacobsen, Bruce Woodson, and Mike Hickman for all of their contributions.

One thought on “GT Posters Updated

  1. Comment by: Michael D. Mitchell

    Duuuh,? I Don’t know how I Missed the, Where We Have Been and Where are You From?, Poster’Z??. I Would have ADDED, Etna, California, 96027, to the Pin’z.
    Maybe Next time.
    Michael (M/K).