Are You Getting eNews!?

Are You Getting eNews!?

Are You Getting eNews!?NAMGAR members get the “award winning” MGA! magazine six times in a year. The issues are January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August, September/October, and November/December. In between these issues, the NAMGAR Internet Coordinators put together, and email out, the NAMGAR eNews!.

These eNews! emails go to about 1800 NAMGAR members who have email addresses included with their registration details. If you are reading this, and you do not get eNews!, there could be a reason why you are not seeing these:

  1. You have an email address, but it is not correct on the NAMGAR Registrar’s information. You can correct this by going to your membership record online through the NAMGAR website. Or just click on “Membership Information” on the left hand side of the NAMGAR home page.
  2. Your email provider, or your firewall settings, are preventing you from getting “mass emails”. You can correct this by contacting your email provider, or by changing the settings on your firewall to allow emails from NAMGAR.
  3. You have chosen to block emails from NAMGAR, or have decided to “unsubscribe” from eNews!. If you have done this, we would like to hear from you by an email to the NAMGAR Internet Coordinators, letting us know your reason for deciding not to receive this newsletter.

We get about 20 bounce backs each time we broadcast eNews!. Some of these are “soft” bounces (item 2 above), and some are “hard” bounces (item 1).

The purpose of eNews! is to bring you timely news from NAMGAR. We also include links to articles recently posted on the website, like the amusing ones from George Kress.

You can also receive an email message advising you of new postings on the NAMGAR website by subscribing to “Email Updates”. Or simply click on the green button on the right hand side of the NAMGAR home page, and enter your email address. You can unsubscribe to this at any time.

We are very happy to receive articles for the website, or items for eNews! from NAMGAR members.