Renkenberger Spirit Award: Roger & Sally Watkins

Renkenberger Spirit Award: Roger & Sally Watkins

Renkenberger Spirit Award: Roger & Sally WatkinsEvery MGA owner relishes the opportunity to get their little bit of British history out of the garage and onto that Great Open Road, and join with their fellow enthusiasts in the adventure of exploring what’s around the next bend, or just over that hill.

For those who have been blessed with this opportunity, there are endless memories of the comradery they have shared while motoring down some twisty, hilly country road, or joining in lively group lunches in some out-of-the-way diner, or just sitting around trading stories while lounging during an overnight stop.

The Hoosier A’s have been so blessed for 16 consecutive years – thanks solely to the extraordinary efforts of two people – Roger and Sally Watkins. While we all greatly enjoy participating in these driving adventures, at the same time we understand how much hard work, time, and expense goes into putting together these endlessly interesting drives that can last for up to 3 days – and then to do it for year, after year, after year. Roger and Sally took on this task beginning in 2002, and in all these years have never failed to deliver a continual feast of surprises, wonders, and memories. Often their planning and “trial runs” begin shortly after unpacking from the last drive, and continue for the better part of a year until we once again gather in early October for our annual romp through Southern Indiana and Northern Kentucky.

These Runs have become the cornerstone of the Hoosier A’s calendar, and have drawn upwards of 30 MG’s along with their beaming occupants – eager to begin yet another adventure. The Hoosier A’s, along with the Hoosier MGB Club and Olde Octagons of Indiana (who always join in on the Runs), extend our collective appreciation for the devotion, good humor, endless patience that are the hallmark of Roger and Sally. It is therefore our pleasure to present Roger and Sally with the NAMGAR Renkenberger Spirit Award. May the adventures and memories continue!

Renkenberger Spirit Award: Roger & Sally Watkins