Still Looking for History on a Twin Cam Coupe

Still Looking for History on a Twin Cam Coupe

Still Looking for History on a Twin Cam CoupeIn November 2014, NAMGAR was contacted by Francois Schnyder from Switzerland looking for information on his 1959 MGA Twin Cam coupe which he has owned since 1989. Since the initial article, he has had some responses, and this is the information he has:

In 1959/60, the Orient Red car was purchased in California by Dean King. He then drove it to Calgary, Alberta.

Between 1960 and 1965, the car completed the 24-hour Loop Rally organized by the Calgary Sports Car Club several times. The MGA Twin Cam team won the team prize on the 1961 Loop Rally.

Around 1965/66 the car was driven to Texas, and the owner was a member of the Houston MG Club in 1971. The Texas license plate number was LXW 524.

Francois has contacted the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles for ownership details, but has had no information from them to date.

The car was shipped to Europe in 1988 still with the Texas plate on it.

Francois Schnyder Twin Cam Coupe

If you can add to the above please email Francois.

Still Looking for History on a Twin Cam Coupe