RIP Circumnavigates the World

RIP Circumnavigates the World

RIP Circumnavigates the WorldAfter leaving Tianjin, China, in May 2010, RIP (1961 MGA), Red Car, and Navy Car have done it! They have successfully circumnavigated the globe….

What a wonderful, and sometimes exhausting time the occupants have had too!

From China to the ‘Stans, and Iran, and Turkey; also South, Central and North Africa; and last year South, Central, and North America and now Canada. Our trusty classic MGs have carried us, our luggage, our tools, and our spare parts over every road condition possible, with relatively few major breakdowns or incidents. Who says classic MGs aren’t reliable as a group? We have proved it!

These three MGs have traveled a total of approximately 210,000 kms (126,000 miles) in the past five years. Add to that the distances the other MG adventurers have clocked up, and it approximates to around 550,000 kms (330,000 miles). Very impressive, in my book!

I would like to thank my long-suffering wife, Laurel, for sitting beside me through rain, hail, snow, and heat, and allowing me to enjoy the elements without a hood. I would also like to thank the Aussie Adventurers (and the UK and South African Adventurers) for the help they have offered, and for the good times we had in all sorts of circumstances. I would also like to thank Mark and Classic Car Clinic for helping prepare RIP for her adventures. Lastly, I would like to thank the many many people we have met along the way who have welcomed us, assisted us, and laughed with us.

It has truly been a wonderful twelve years since acquiring RIP. Long may the MG marque bring happiness to the masses around the world.

Dave Godwin, Proud member of the international MG Family!

RIP, Red Car, and Navy Car at Point Spear, near St Johns, Newfoundland