Behind the WheelThe year is flying by; I can hardly believe that it’s almost time to end the driving season. Though by the time you read this, most of us will have already put our cars away for a long winter’s nap (or off-season renovation).

Bill and I spent today with our local car club at their annual end of the season drive/picnic. It was great to see the cars and spend time with the people. Naturally, the food was plentiful and delicious. Thankfully, the sun was out which was a vast improvement over the dreary, damp, wet weather of the previous day. But we can all sense that the weather has taken a turn and soon we’ll be planning and dreaming of outings for next spring and summer

I’ve actually been busy planning for next summer’s MG2016/GT-41, with the North American Council of MG Registers, in Louisville, KY. I want to thank all of you who responded to the recent survey about that upcoming event. Your answers will assist us as we formalize events. I was very encouraged to see that 91% of responders are planning on attending.

One of the events that newsletter editors should take note of is that the new owners of Classic MG Magazine are excited to be hosting an Editor’s Meeting; so if you are the person who puts your newsletter together, plan on coming and meeting with them. They will be presenting a program that includes helpful writing and design materials for those attending. We welcome Larry Sanata, along with his son and their spouses to the MG community. More than the new owner of Classic MG Magazine , Larry is the Publisher and Executive Editor of the publication, following Dick Lunney’s retirement.

I’d also like to thank those who responded to the GT-40 follow-up survey, as that is most helpful for our hosting chapters. Those results have been shared with the NAMGAR Board and will also be forwarded to the event organizers to help in planning GT-42 in Solvang, CA in 2017. Perhaps you have a suggestion that you would like the Board to adopt or a path that you would like to see NAMGAR pursue. Would you like to have your opinion heard? If so, then please send them to me before the end of the year.

We will be having our annual Board meeting in the early part of 2016; so send in any recommendations for the Max Spears Award (along with necessary criteria and documentation), topics you think the Board should consider, complaints, etc. in order to have your voice heard. The Board is made up of five dedicated volunteers and we rely on the membership to keep our organization vital and relevant.

A heartwarming welcome is extended to our newest staff member, Janice Zorn. Jan is stepping in to take over the Regalia Sales & Marketing staff position; she has big shoes to fill, but I know she is up to the job! Look for her Staff Sketch in an upcoming issue of MGA! magazine and once you read it, I’m sure you’ll agree. I’m excited to see what new merchandise she will be making available to our members. After all, we all love to shop, and remember, Christmas is coming!

As I conclude my first year as Chairman, I wish to thank everyone who has helped me with this transition. I have enjoyed the new role and the people that I’ve met. I look forward to meeting more of our membership, attending more chapter meetings, and promoting NAMGAR in the classic car world. I try to remember that each day brings a new opportunity – to make someone’s day brighter, their load lighter, their life happier. Take that opportunity, and in doing so, it makes your day brighter, your load lighter, and your life happier.

Happy trails, folks!