Behind the WheelWow! The summer has really flown by. It’s difficult to believe that two months have passed since I last wrote to you. That was pre GT-42, which by the way, turned out to be quite an enjoyable GT. How could it not be? It had all that’s needed: great cars, super location, and fantastic friends!

If you missed out, you still get the opportunity to read about it on the NAMGAR website and see the winning cars. In addition, you have some time to start planning your trip to GT-43 in Richmond, VA next June; the co-hosting chapters (the Mid-Atlantic MGA Chapter and the Central Virginia British Car Club) are planning a top-notch GT with events that you will definitely want to participate in. I’m excited to see what these two chapters will bring to the table, so to speak.

I’ve spent a lot of this summer getting ready for the new chapter in my life. I’ve found loving homes for Bill’s three MGs where the new owners will continue to drive them, enjoy owning them, care for them, and perhaps bring them to a future NAMGAR GT. That turned out to be the easy part of my summer; thanks to my good friends, Allen Bachelder who put the word out to the Z Magnette Group and Alan Magnuson who sent the car info to the NAMGBR website.

This enabled the Magnette and the MGA coupe to be sold; the MGA 1500 roadster has stayed in the family as Bill’s brother bought it. I do still have the 14’ open car trailer available; it has brakes, ramps, mounted spare tire, and tie-down straps. So if you know someone in the market for a car trailer, send them my way.

The more difficult part was getting our current bi-level home ready to put on the market. Who knew we had so much stuff? Fortunately, I had some willing helpers and I can see that the house is almost to the needed stage. Just in time, I might add, as the new house is quickly approaching completion. It will make my life so much easier, as it is all one level with no outside maintenance – perfect for someone like me who has other things to do with their time.

I’m presently in Florida – What, you say? Yes, not the best time of year to be here – but Bill was an avid miniature train collector and part of his collection is down here. So figuring it best to have his large collection all in one location, down I came and now I just hope that I can fit it all in my car! It is very, very hot here (thank goodness for air conditioning), but I enjoy being able to surprise my winter friends with a summer visit. I hope I have some time this fall to just relax and enjoy being in my new home. I’m also hoping to be able to do a few activities with my local car club and I hope that you are planning on doing the same before it becomes time to put the cars away for the winter months.

In closing, I do want to address the question that was put to me a few times in Solvang and may be going through many of your minds. Will I remain in NAMGAR now that Bill is gone? The answer is a resounding “Yes!”. Who wouldn’t want to stay a part of such a great family? I will still be Chairman until early 2019; after that, hopefully someone else will step up to take over the position. If that might be you, get in touch with me so that I can help make the transition be a smooth one for everyone’s sake. For now, I’ll close by saying, “Enjoy however much of the driving season you have left and smooth travels on the road of life.”