Paul Casarona’s 1958 Magnette ZB

Paul Casarona’s 1958 Magnette ZB
Paul Casarona's 1958 Magnette ZB

This is my latest project which I purchased from a NAMGAR member in NM. Since I live in AL and a trip to see the car was not feasible, Don Holle, former NAMGAR Registrar, was nice enough to go and check it out for me – Thanks again Don. This is a 1958 ZB Magnette Varitone. It is currently one color, but I will eventually repaint it in a two tone scheme. This car is slowly becoming my favorite. The attention to detail and quality of materials and workmanship that 1000 pounds could buy in 1958 is unbelievable to me. I have enjoyed and continue to enjoy discovering all the little things about these cars that make them so special. Hope to see some of you on the road in this one soon! Finally an MG that I can (legally) carry 3