Profile – Keith Lowman
Copy Editor
Keith Lowman
Phone: (815) 757-6674
My wife, Shey, and I have been NAMGAR members since the ‘70s. We inherited our MGA in semi-derelict condition and my early experiences were centered around keeping it running. Finally, in the mid-1980’s came the opportunity to undertake a frame-off restoration which took the better part of a year. We had a lot of help from our local “A” club and a good friend who taught auto body at a local community college. We immediately started driving it as often as possible. Our club would caravan to the GTs. We took 2nd place at our first post restoration GT at Plymouth Mich in the 1600 MKII class. Shey and I served NAMGAR as Editors of MGA! during the years 1988 and 1989. This was the pre-computer world where “paste up” was the order of the day.
Professionally, I was a staff photographer at Northern Illinois University for 36 years. I have degrees in design and American history. I earned my Doctoral degree in Instructional Technology, which I taught for some years after retiring from my day job. Our love for the Mark remains undiminished but our bodies say that our days of working on them are over.