Chapter – Bay State MGA Club

Chapter Contact:
Fred (Jack) Horner
74 Nutting Road
Westford MA, 01886-1364
Phone: 978-399-4059

NAMGAR ChapterBay State MGA Club

The Bay State MGA Club was founded in 1980 as a chapter of the North American MGA Register. The reason being it was thought it would be a good idea to get fellow MGA types together to share the enjoyment and the burdens of owning, restoring, and running what was then 20-year-old cars which were a bit challenging to keep alive. In those days, a lot of parts were not available and one had to be creative to do a good job of keeping the cars nice. Nobody sold leather seat kits, and a lot of stuff like rubber seals and chrome parts were just not available. The club started with just a handful of members in 1980 and has steadily grown over the years to close to 70 members. Most members own an MGA, but we have several members who own MGB’s, MGC’s and TR6’s.

We try and have an event every month from April through October whether it be a tech session, a driving tour, or hosting our yearly event, MG Day at the Larz Anderson Auto Museum.