Gear Head
The NAMGAR Vice Chairman’s regular column appears in this section.
SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2016, VOL 42 NO 01 October 21, 2016 GT-41 is now over and it was a great event. Walking onto the car show field and seeing all the makes of MGs was a sight to remember. NAMGAR had
JULY/AUGUST 2016, VOL 41 NO 6 August 27, 2016 Summer is here and it is the perfect time to drive our MGAs out on the open road. I carry my usual repair kit for my car: chewing gum to
MAY/JUNE 2016, VOL 41 NO 5 July 1, 2016 People, get those engines running as spring is here and summer is around the corner. Make sure you do a pre-check on your car so everything is in great condition
MARCH/APRIL 2016, VOL 41 NO 4 May 1, 2016 As you see the picture in this column, you may ask why is there a ’57 Chevy in MGA! magazine? I am writing this while I am on a cruise
JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2016, VOL 41 NO 3 March 9, 2016 Winter is now upon us in North America. Based on what I have read, California will be flooded with water, which is something we have not seen for at leastNOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2015, VOL 41 NO2 February 1, 2016 Hello again from California. It should be very close to Thanksgiving by the time you get this. Our members on the East Coast and in the Midwest will have, or
SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER, 2015/ VOL 41, NO 1 October 6, 2015 Summer is upon us and driving season is in full gear. Get your MGAs out on the road so other people can see what a car that is now celebrating
JULY/AUGUST 2015, VOL 40/NO 6 August 5, 2015 Summer is upon us and I hope everyone is driving their MGAs for summer fun in the sun. I couldn’t help the rhyme…sorry. By the time you read this, GT-40
MARCH/APRIL 2015, VOL 40/NO 4 March 30, 2015 Hello from California! I’m Jeff Becker, your new NAMGAR Vice Chairman. I have some mighty big shoes to fill left by Carol Shamonsky. I hope to learn from Carol as