NAMGAR Drive Your MGA and Magnette Day

NAMGAR Drive Your MGA and Magnette Day

NAMGAR Drive Your MGA and Magnette Day


For the past few years, NAMGAR has designated the first Saturday in May as the day to get the car cover off, charge up the battery, check the tire pressures, and put your car on the road.

We encourage NAMGAR members to join-up with other Chapter and Club members to blow away the cobwebs in your MGA or Magnette. The weather on May 7th should allow “wind in the hair” driving even in the northern states of the US and provinces in Canada.

Please submit photos of your outing, along with a brief description of the group event, to the NAMGAR Internet Coordinators, and we will post these here on the NAMGAR website. We will also send these to the Editor at MGA! magazine for his consideration.

Encourage your friends to join you, and have a fun day.