GT-37 is Coming to Dayton!

GT-37 is Coming to Dayton!

GT-37 is Coming to Dayton!Mark your calendars for July 9-13, 2012 and program Dayton, Ohio, into your GPS for GT-37. An abundance of activities is planned by the host chapter, the Southwestern Ohio Centre of the MG Car Club. Founded in 1966, the Club averages 110 members per year, 25 of whom are MGA owners.

Registration opens Monday, July 9, followed by the First Timer’s Reception, then an Orientation Reception at the host hotel, the Marriott of Dayton located on Patterson Boulevard. The Dayton Marriott is located just south of downtown Dayton near the University of Dayton campus and offers an indoor/outdoor pool, fitness facilities, spacious parking, and numerous nearby dining options.

In addition to tech sessions and vendor displays, also planned are a Wednesday car show in Carillon Historical Park, Funkhana, on-your-own driving tours, sightseeing opportunities, and the 2012 MG Olympics. Organized tours include the nationally known D & D Classics restoration shop in Covington, Ohio and a visit to an exotic European car collection. For the ladies we have a special “Ladies Progressive Victorian Tea” organized specifically for our event. Our Wednesday evening BBQ will be held at a not-to-be-missed automotive themed venue. Thursday, July 12th, will be Rallye Day and will wrap up with a happy hour and the annual Awards Banquet. Exciting evening entertainment and the traditional Hospitality Suite end each day.

Dayton’s famous National Museum of the United States Air Force at Wright Patterson Air Force Base houses more than 400 historic aircraft and spacecraft in 17 acres of exhibition space. The 2012 Dayton Air Show will take place the weekend prior to the GT, July 7-8, 2012, featuring the U.S. Navy Blue Angels flight demonstration team, some of the nation’s top aerobatic performers, and displays of military and civilian aircraft. Arrive early to attend the show but book your room promptly, as we have a limited number of rooms in our block for that weekend.

Continue to check future editions of MGA! and the GT-37 website for more details and information.

See you in Dayton!