Bruce WoodsonTimers

As timing would have it, the deadline for this article is just prior to my leaving for GT-38. I am confident, however, that I can already congratulate our hosts for a job well done, and a GT that will be fondly remembered for years to come. Thank you to those who helped organize this event, and a special thank you to all who attended to make it a great success!

But since the GT really hasn’t happened yet, this issue will not contain any coverage. Of course, we will do a full recap in the next issue of MGA! But in the meantime, should the NAMGAR website do an advance coverage? Should we list who the winners were? And who won the Mac Spears Award? Or, should NAMGAR wait for the next magazine to reveal the highlights?

While these may seem like trivial questions with seemingly obvious answers, they are concerns that our Marketing and Communications Manager (along with the other Board members) must consider on a regular basis. We want to ensure that information is passed along in a timely manner, and yet, continue to keep the magazine purposeful. If we were to take all of the time sensitive articles out of the magazine, there may be nothing left but fluff (like this article). But yet, the website needs to always have new and fresh information.

If you have opinions on this, I would like to hear from you. And not just to hear what you think, but rather, to discuss if you would like to be a part of the team that tackles these, and other related issues, on a regular basis. And if so, I want you to consider applying for the Board position of Marketing and Communications Manager. Melissa Hay has done an outstanding job in this role for the last three years, but her term is coming to an end. If you would like to apply, or find out more information regarding this important position on NAMGAR’s Board of Directors team, please contact Melissa or myself by August 15th.

The new books are here! Volume II of Tech Sessions from MGA! are now available from the NAMGAR website. Also, if you missed out on Volume I or can’t read Mike Ash’s tips in your copy because of all the greasy fingerprints, order both volumes at a discounted price!

As I mentioned in my last article, there will indeed be a Rendezvous in Richmond on September 12-15, 2013, hosted by the Central Virginia British Car Club. We will have tech sessions, garden tours, driving events, a good amount of NAMGAR hospitality, and a car show on the grounds of one of Virginia’s premier wineries. Our host hotel will be the amazing Wyndham Virginia Crossings Resort, with rates starting at just $109.00 per night! The registration form is elsewhere in this magazine, or you can register online. Make it a Rendezvous for Two and save $45 on the total registration cost!

With GT-38, Rendezvous in Richmond, and numerous other Chapter events this summer, the opportunities to participate are almost endless. If your car isn’t on the road yet, don’t let that prevent you from attending. I always say, “What better place to learn of the car you’re working on than to attend a show where other beautiful examples will be on display?” You can learn so much by seeing the cars in person and talking to the owners. You might see upholstery that is exactly like you envisioned for your car, but couldn’t find a supplier that offered it. Find out if a 5-speed gearbox is really the right way to go by talking to those that have them. You might even find somebody that throws you the keys to their MGA and says, “Take it for a spin and see if you like it!”

If you do get out to one of the upcoming events, please take photos, and send them in along with a little write-up about your experience. And, if you’re not sure whether to send it to the Editor, or Web Coordinators, our Marketing and Communications Manager will be glad to help in a timely manner!

Safety Fast!