In the Red
When it comes to cars, my wife just doesn’t do red. It’s not that Carol thinks red is a bad color. She just prefers to not drive cars with flashy colors. And, when the opportunity arose recently to acquire another MG, which of course was in “that” color, I knew it was going to be an uphill battle.
But this wasn’t just another MG. It was one of the first MGAs to be registered with NAMGAR in 1975 … number 0019. The car was at the very first GT too, in Harpers Ferry, MD. Oh, and it just happened to be a twin cam roadster.
Some of our early club members may recognize the description as being the car formerly owned by Reid & Louise Willis, who purchased it new in Tokyo. After Reid’s passing a number of years ago, the Eaton family purchased the car. I am indebted (or is that in debt?) to Michael Eaton for selling this special car to Carol and me. So, after seeing the car, Carol’s first words were, “Oh my. It has red interior too.” But, she quickly realized how enthused I was about the MG, and seeing as how I had let her bring home another parrot not too long ago, she didn’t put up much fuss. In fact, she even bought a set of 1959 license plates at a yard sale the next day! Maybe there is hope for her starting to like red cars.
In other matters, the Rendezvous in Richmond has come and gone, and I sincerely hope all who attended had as much fun as the Central Virginia British Car Club had in hosting this regional get-together. It was great seeing so many MGAs and Magnettes running around town, and our club members really enjoyed meeting so many of you. We hope you will consider coming back next year for our annual Classics on the Green European Automobile Festival.
The NAMGAR Board of Directors meets in the first quarter of each year to discuss what is working and what needs improving. If you have any suggestions for the Board to discuss, please make your thoughts known to any of the Board members prior to January 1st. One of the goals is to ensure NAMGAR stays away from being in the red. It is a delicate task to form a budget that keeps the club moving forward economically in a market where we try to base all membership related fees at actual cost. It is through the support of our sponsors, advertisers, and regalia sales that keeps us in the black. Please think of these companies as you consider your purchase of holiday gifts.
You may recall we’ve been looking for candidates for the NAMGAR Board position of Marketing and Communications Manager. One person volunteered and would surely have been a great fit, but they had to withdraw for personal reasons. Thus, the search continues. Please consider volunteering if you have a talent for marketing and would like to help NAMGAR.
As 2013 winds down, it’s time to think about a nominee for the Mac Spears Founders Award. Each year, NAMGAR recognizes someone who has made a difference in the world of MGA. If you know of a worthy person, please send me a note prior to January 1, 2014.
2014 is shaping up to be a red-hot year for MG enthusiasts in North America. Club events like April’s “Return to Paradise” in Key West, to Regional events, such as NAMGAR at Watkins Glen in September will offer a wide variety of opportunities to enjoy our cars and better get to know the great people in attendance.
Of course, we all have our sights set on Ottawa for the Cruise to the Capital and GT-39. It’s not too early to plan an outing for the first Saturday in May, for Drive Your MGA Day. Make it a club event and encourage everyone to celebrate!
Meanwhile, I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas, and safe and happy New Year. We have a great family in NAMGAR, and I hope you continue to enjoy your membership. And, should you happen to see a “new” red twin cam MGA on the scene next year, it might just be Carol and me. Carol will be the one wearing dark sunglasses. Safety Fast!