NAMGAR Mourns the Loss of Billie Spears

NAMGAR Mourns the Loss of Billie Spears

NAMGAR Mourns the Loss of Billie SpearsFirst let me say that Ruth, Linda and I are all very sad and honored to speak to the passing of our dear friend Billie Spears. Billie was born in Monroe, Louisiana in 1931. She met Mac in McGehee Arkansas when her family moved there. McGehee being Mac’s first name. Billie and Mac have 3 children, Victoria, Roxanne and Elizabeth. All remember the good times their parents had with all their old car friends. We remember that too.

Billie and Mac, along with the Renkenbergers and Wrights were the core group that began NAMGAR. The idea that the MGA sportscar’s time had come to begin the shift from a junk yard clunker to an Sportscar of renown and with a heritage to be most proud of. Others had tried with some success but our determination and the experience of other car clubs showed both what to do and what not. NAMGAR has succeeded.

Billie shared Mac’s love of antique cars and anything old. They knew that other’s loved these things as well and for Billie it was the people drawn to these old things she felt so inspired by. Everyone brought something to the table and for Billie it was her love for being involved in Mac’s projects, be it a Model A Ford or a Model A or T MG. She hosted many a meeting and party and was the go to person for interior design. House hold and CAR interiors. Mac’s cars all had the Billie Ann touch in the fabrication of the old car seats and door panels and even the dash board coverings. Billie attended many events with Mac early on, but in the late sixty’s she was injured in a car accident. Chronic back pain caused her to miss more and more MG activities as time went on.

We must remember Billie Ann Spears. She was there and in the middle of things MGA when it mattered and NAMGAR was the result. Mac and Billie were a pair of great souls that were as friendly as two people could be. That legacy lives on in NAMGAR.

John & Linda Wright, and Ruth Renkenberger

Billie sitting on the rear fender of "Brown Beer Bottle". Elizabeth is in the driver's seat.
Billie sitting on the rear fender of “Brown Beer Bottle”. Elizabeth is in the driver’s seat.

One thought on “NAMGAR Mourns the Loss of Billie Spears

  1. Comment by: Bob and Caroll Oliver

    We were sad to learn of Billie Spears death. We remember many great times with the Spears. We were part of the original group that met at Linda and John Wrights home on a rainy Sunday afternoon in Maryland.
    It is exciting to see how NAMGAR has grown since that time. We frequently go to British Car Shows and are always drawn to the MGAs. Went to one this past Saturday, in Jupiter Florida. There were only two MGAs, one coupe and one roadster, they must be getting scarce. To all of you newer members, keep the MGA spirit going for us old timers.

    Bob and Caroll Oliver