MAY/JUNE 2015, VOL 40/NO 5

MAY/JUNE 2015, VOL 40/NO 5

Behind the WheelBehind the Wheel

I think it’s finally safe to say that the weather has turned the corner and our MG driving season is well on its way! It has been a brutal winter and a less than stellar spring; I think Northeastern PA even got snow on the Saturday before Easter. Thankfully, it didn’t last long.

Perhaps you had a chance to participate in “Drive Your MGA Day” either in a group or on your own. Be sure to send photos and/or articles to our editor, Mike Tooke.

2015 has ushered in many changes for NAMGAR. Some of the obvious ones are the changes in the personnel of the Board along with some staff changes. We are still actively seeking new volunteers willing to handle Regalia for our organization. Most of our members love to shop and we need one or two folks who can assist them. Could it be you? Let me know and l’11 get you started. In an organization of almost 2000 members there must be someone willing to help folks spend money!

We’ve also initiated a membership card that you’ll be proud to carry in your wallet, plus we are working on establishing discounts with third-party vendors for our active members. Hopefully that will be coming in the near future. There is already an in-house discount with our online store. You’Il find your membership card in this issue of MGA!

Our Chapter Coordinators, Ed Sass and Colleen Quinn, are diligently working to assist our chapters. Be sure that your Chapter Contact is planning to represent you at the annual GT. Each year we have a meeting of the Chapter Contacts with the Coordinators for a face-to-face discussion. We are a large family and we need your input to better serve our members.

One of the best ways to feel connected is to attend the annual GT. You can drive (any vehicle will work), fly, ride, (though I doubt you could walk) in order to be there! GT-40 in Frankenmuth, MI should not be missed and we want to see you there. We even have a group of folks traveling from NAMGBR’s MG2015 in Niagara Falls who will also attend NAMGAR’s GT-40, stopping along the way to have lunch at Tim and Sue Coyne’s lake house. I wish that I could be traveling along with them. I will definitely be waiting to see the photos and hear the stories.

2015 marks the 60th Anniversary of the MGA. What a milestone and as such there are numerous events highlighting this occasion. You’ll find a long list at and the dates range from May through September. Perhaps you could find a few that you would like to attend. Maybe you’d consider promoting NAMGAR at one of them with the help of our new PR Package; contact Mike Tooke, Communications Manager for details.

I had the opporlunity in mid-March to visit Louisville, KY along with the other representatives on the North American Council of MG Registers in preparation for MG2016 (that’s NAMGAR’s GT-41). Plans are well under way for a fantastic time there, including an opening ceremony at Churchill Downs. Be sure to mark the dates of June 13-17, 2016 on your calendar so you remember to make plans to be there! I am happy to report that both my trip to and from the visit was without any Chairman “hiccups;” perhaps the so called “curse” has been broken. Knock on wood!

While writing this, I was informed of the death of Lou Shorlen (she and her husband, John, were a mainstay in the Magnette parts suppliers in England). Our sympathies go out to their family and the Magnette community. Somehow each time we lose someone we remember to make the most of each day that we have and to treat each other with respect and care. We may not always agree, but we can agree to disagree respectfully.

Stay safe in your travels and I am looking forward to meeting up with you in person so we can chat face-to-face. Until then, Safety Fast! ‘