Behind the WheelDo you remember my crystal ball? Well it surely did right by us. Just take a look at all the GT-40 photos and information in the latest issue of MGA! magazine and on the website to see what I mean by that. Thank you, Michigan Rowdies for a fantastic time!

I’m also happy to announce that my prediction about having enough volunteers to man the NAMGAR Regalia table also came true. Many thanks to all who volunteered which allowed the Hickmans to participate fully in the GT; something they had definitely earned the opportunity to do. Thanks Mike and Sandy for all the work and time you have devoted to NAMGAR Regalia over the years.

I have another piece of exciting news. I was suddenly stopped during the Awards Banquet and told by a member that they would be willing to become the new NAMGAR Regalia staff person! So I am very pleased to announce that Janice Zorn will be taking over the reins of Regalia very shortly. She is in the process of ironing out the details with Sandy and we look forward to working with her to enhance the store’s selections. I’m certain she’ll find some new items for all of us to purchase.

How about the announcement for GT-42? I am so excited to be able to say that we are going out to Solvang, CA in June of 2017! Our members have been asking for a GT in the western U.S. and now, thanks to two hosting chapters, the MG Owners Club – Northern California and the Paradise British Car Club, we will be westward bound. I’m hearing that there are a couple of rallyes being planned to help get folks out there and have fun along the way. Be sure to start planning on joining us as we know it will be here before we know it and you won’t want to miss this one!

Let’s not forget that MG2016/GT-41 will be coming up in less than a year in Louisville, KY. I’ve been busy helping the North American Council of MG Registers plan an unforgettable event, from the opening ceremonies at Churchill Downs, trips to the Corvette Museum, a Bourbon Trail day trip, which will include a tour of the home which inspired Stephen

Foster’s “My Old Kentucky Home,” tech sessions, including a presentation by our own MG wanderer, Dave Godwin, as well as a few more surprises. We’re hoping to have registration up and running before the end of 2015.

I do want to take a few moments to address an issue that comes up repeatedly – what does our insurance cover? We’ve even had a representative from the insurance company do a presentation at GT-37 and I’ve found a pretty good answer in looking over the policies. I’ll mention part of it here: (1) The Club Chapter Liability Insurance Policy provides up to $1,000,000 in coverage for each occurrence and up to $2,000,000 in aggregate coverage each year. (2) The club or chapter is insured when named in a covered lawsuit for an act committed by members working for the club or chapter and under its direction. (3) The plan provides extensive coverage for lawsuits resulting from bodily injury and property damage at Chapter or club sponsored events.

If any chapter feels they need to file a claim, or are in need of a certificate of insurance to show to a venue they wish to use for an event, all they need to do is contact the Chairman to start the process. I’m hoping to be able to work with our agent and compose a document that each chapter can keep on file to refer to as needed.

As I come to the conclusion of this article, I can’t help but think of the fact that we are just about finished with our driving season in most areas where our members live. How does it pass so quickly? Be sure to take advantage of what good weather we have before the snow starts flying. Also, please encourage your club or chapter to think about what new activities they can plan for 2016 and invite NAMGAR along for the fun! Contact NAMGAR Vice-Chairman, Jeff Becker, to help get the ball rolling. Until the next time we meet, take care, stay healthy, and enjoy!