Behind the WheelAs I write this, it is getting close to the end of 2015. Actually there is only about a month left. Having just finished celebrating Thanksgiving here in the colonies, I am grateful for all that I have because of where I live. I have had the freedom to worship in the denomination of my choosing, along with working in a field I picked and was trained for, to live in peace with our neighboring countries; just to name a few of the freedoms we here take for granted.

All of this gives me the freedom to enjoy growing older while having the time to act young and carefree. So after saying all that, you might ask why am I about to start my sixth year of volunteering with this particular organization? I do so because I enjoy making new friends (and that number has increased greatly during this time), solving problems (I was a mathematician, after all), and it gives me a good feeling to be able to give back.

I am also grateful to our dedicated NAMGAR staff; they are so very fundamental to what makes NAMGAR able to exist. I am thankful to all of our chapters and interest groups that step forward to spread awareness while reaching out a helping hand to those less familiar with the workings of our little British cars. As NAMGAR gets ready to enter its forty first year, I appreciate the efforts of our founders and their vision made reality.

As you read this we will have started the New Year. What resolutions have you made for 2016? Can I ask you to add one concerning NAMGAR? We have almost 2000 members; can you imagine how vibrant NAMGAR would become if each member strove to do their part in their corner of the world to promote NAMGAR and make it more meaningful to their local club and fellow car enthusiasts? That is my wish for 2016.

I recently heard that NAMGAR is not a national organization as we do not have events in all parts of the country. My response is that it takes active involvement by our members to make that happen.

The Board and officers will certainly assist, but we need the members who actually live throughout North America to make things happen.

This can be a small Regional or a full blown GT. We have sites for both this year and next, and yes, 2016 is the all MG meet in Louisville, KY, which is also NAMGAR’s GT-41. Farther down the road, I am so looking forward to GT-42 in Solvang, CA in 2017, which will be here before you know it!

The next big question is where will GT-43 end up? That will depend on you! Can you help make it happen? Contact Jeff Becker at vicechairman@namgar.com for his assistance.

Speaking of MG2016 (that’s GT-41 for us), I hope you are making your plans to join us in Louisville.

It should be a super event starting with opening ceremonies at Churchill Downs, along with tours to both the Corvette Museum and the Bourbon Trail/Bardstown, tech sessions, Register Night, a fabulous car show at a scenic downtown location along the river, and concluding with the final Awards Banquet plus lots of surprises and memories thrown in between. Don’t miss out even if you are going to be coming without a car for the show. Remember that “it may be the cars that get us there, but it’s the people who keep us coming back,” or something like that.

So, in closing, let’s make 2016 a year to remember in the life of NAMGAR. Let’s make Regionals pop up all over the U.S. and Canada. Let’s fill MGA! with great articles from our members (anyone can submit an article, Mike enjoys getting them). Bring in a new member; probably one who has owned an MGA, but has never heard of NAMGAR. How can that be? Don’t let it continue – speak up, lend a hand or some guidance to the newbie; show folks that NAMGAR is more than an organization, it’s a family!

See you at the family reunion in June!