Behind the WheelSo here it is Memorial Day weekend as we remember all who have fought in wars to keep the liberties that we mostly take as a way of life. Many of you may see a parade this weekend or even drive your car in one.

Our local club participates every year and then follows it up with a barbeque. We are looking forward to spending the holiday with them. The weather here has finally become extremely enjoyable – the sun is shining and temps have declared that summer has arrived. I guess that’s why Memorial Day weekend is declared to be the official start of summer.

Where are your summer plans taking you this year? Was it to Louisville for MG2016/GT-41? We were there with around 1600 “like-minded” folks. By the time you read this, those folks will have declared it to be a super event, from the opening ceremonies at Churchill Downs to our closing banquet with Dennis Gage. If you didn’t come this year, start making plans to join us next summer as we venture out to Solvang, CA for GT-42. I know that I am excited to have a NAMGAR GT on the West Coast and we have two chapters, MG Owners Club-Northern California and Paradise British Car Club, making sure that everyone experiences a taste of what the area offers. So come join us whether you take a car or not, as this will be a memorable event.

What are our plans for the rest of the summer? We are taking some time, and most likely a lot of money, this summer to do some needed renovations at our Pennsylvania home; it was built in the early ‘70s and this summer will mark the end of our 15th year here. So you know it is need of some updating and I think I have found a contractor; now let’s hope it all works out.

How can it be that time seems to just fly by super-fast? I shake my head in disbelief that my daughter is now middle aged; that just can’t be possible! By next February, I’ll have a teenage granddaughter – now that really can’t be possible. So what am I to do?

Well, it makes me think that I have to do something to keep my brain cells working and not falling into dementia. So because of that, a few years ago I learned to play Mah Jongg, a challenging tile game where four players compete against each other to get the winning hand. I thoroughly enjoy the game and have become, as Bill says, “addicted.”

This July I am going one step further and will play in a three-day tournament. I’ve played in day tournaments in the past and usually have a respectable score, though not high enough to bring home the big prizes. Maybe this year will be different

My daughter and I are headed out to Texas for three days. I am so looking forward to some quality ‘mother-daughter’ time without the everyday hassles. She’s usually so busy with work, two daughters, two dogs, and a husband that we have a difficult time carving out some time for us. I am also going to be able to introduce her to a former NAMGAR Board member whom I call family and haven’t seen in a while; we’ll get to spend an afternoon catching up.

The rest of our summer will be spent in Pennsylvania with some possible midweek trips for Bill and me. That’s the plus side of being retired folks, as we no longer have to wait for weekends as we once did when we were working folks. Every day is a weekend now, so much so that we often ask each other what day it is. Many a time one of us has thought it was Wednesday only to find out it was Tuesday or vice-versa. I’m sure we’ll be doing some drives in the MGs and hopefully some monthly events with our local chapter.

However you spend your summer, enjoy every day and I wish you all good health. and safe travels until I see you again.