Behind the WheelWhat a summer this has been! There have been so many ups and downs it’s hard to know what to expect. There were downs in May, June, and July when I had to accompany a family member to the ER; on the upside of those, no life threatening illnesses, just signs that their bodies are older than our cars.

There has been hot weather for the most part of the summer (that is an “up”), but followed by drenching rainstorms and flooding (definitely a “down”). I won 1st place in a local one-day Mah Jongg tournament; followed by not in the money at the three day event in Lancaster.

MG2016 has been declared a success by attendees; though there were some moments that didn’t go quite as smoothly as we would have liked. I won’t go into them as perhaps you didn’t even notice. A post-GT survey has gone out to our attendees and we need your answers in helping us improve, so I trust that you have responded.

Let’s hope that your summer was one filled with great memories and fun times, that you didn’t experience as many “ups” and “downs” as I did, and that you weren’t reminded that time is quickly passing. Yeah, I know, good luck with that. I have to say it was great to be able to see you, as many of you were able to attend the GT this summer, but I was disappointed that I didn’t have time to chat with everyone. I’m hoping that those of you that weren’t there are planning on being at GT-42 in Solvang next year. It’s shaping up to be one that you won’t want to miss thanks to the efforts of both host chapters. Where will GT-43 be located? That is the question. If your chapter would like to host, please contact Jeff Becker at Perhaps two chapters might like to join forces on this one also?

As we look towards fall, we see that Bruce Woodson has stepped up to become our new Tech Coordinator. Welcome, Bruce! Mike Ash has set a high bar for you to follow; but I’m sure that you are up to the task. Mike, thanks for your many years of service; we stand in awe of all that you have done.

We have also received word that Randy Grossman will be stepping down as Marketing/Advertising Manager following the conclusion of GT-42. Thanks for all your hard work and dedication, Randy! This leaves NAMGAR with big shoes to fill. Could it be you? If so, email me.

Some of our fall plans include our local club’s “end of season” outing, a week at the Cape, some lunches on the porch of the clubhouse at the lake, visiting all of our northern doctors before we head south (a necessary fall ritual) and after we get there, a weekend in St. Petersburg with some dear friends at their car club event. Yes indeed, I can say without hesitation that I am looking forward to a very nice autumn.

As we look towards October, remember that October 1st is Drive Your Magnette Day and even if you don’t have a Magnette, get out there in your MGA or other British car and enjoy the autumn scenery! I’m guessing that most of our Northern chapters will be planning some end of the driving season event, so whatever it is, plan on joining in as it won’t be long before the cold days of winter are upon us. We still have a few months, so make the most of them.

Soon the NAMGAR Board will be preparing for our annual meeting and I know it’s still early, but if you have something that you would like to share with the Board or have discussed when we meet in the early part of 2017 now would be a good time to let us know. I’ll be sure to get it into our agenda.

Until our paths cross again, stay well and safe travels!