Second Quarter 2017

Second Quarter 2017

NewsletterImportant Information from your Chapter Coordinators! We have some important announcements that we would like to share.

First, GT-42, in Solvang, California is just around the corner. We would like a headcount if you’re are attending the meeting and planning on attending the Chapter Coordinator meeting on Wednesday, June 21 at 3:30 PM in the Tech Session Room which is adjacent to the registration area in the Banquet Hall. We are looking to meet some new people. This is your single best chance to discuss issues on the chapter level. Please make every effort to have one of your club members attend.

Second, if you have read your last MGA! you know that Bill Shamonsky, husband of our Chairman, Carol Shamonsky, passed away in March. Bill’s passing was unexpected to most of us. Bill was a great friend and a true asset to NAMGAR. He will be missed.

Thirdly, Greg Poffenbarger (TMGR Chapter Contact) and myself were extremely honored to present the Renkenberger Spirit Award to Art Ziesk at the Texas MG Register Spring Meeting last month. Many of you know Art as he was fixture at the GTs for years. Rumor has it that there may be other Renkenberger Spirit awards given out later this year. Has your Chapter nominated a deserving individual?? See further details on this award toward the end of the letter.

Finally, Colleen and I will be driving the ’57 Roadster to the GT this year. One problem is that the car is not yet on the road. I have been putting the finishing touches of a last-minute valve job, carb rebuild and new distributor. Wish us luck as we are planning a multi-thousand mile trip to include Route 66 and the Pacific Coast Highway. So we will see you in a couple of weeks!!

Upcoming NAMGAR Events

June 19 – 23, 2017 GT- 42 Solvang, CA
Chapter Contact Meeting: Wednesday, June 21st at 3:30 PM

Tech Session Room (adjacent to the registration table in the banquet hall at the Hotel Corque).

Dates for Submission of Materials for MGA!

I would like to remind everyone that the cutoff for submission on materials to be published in MGA! is the 5th of every even month (February, April, June, August, October and December)

NAMGAR Regional GTs – Something Your Chapter Might Want to Consider

Is there any event on your club’s calendar such as a weekend trip or a car show that could be expanded to become a NAMGAR Regional? It is something that you might want to consider. What the heck, the more the merrier. If you’ve already done the planning for an event then you’re more than half way there. Having a regional just might fill up that motel or enhance your car show field. Contact NAMGAR Vice Chairman Larry Pitman for details and advice on hosting a NAMGAR Regional.

Chapter Events – Post Yours on the Events Page

NAMGAR Internet Coordinators, Peter and Anne Tilbury, provide a service on the NAMGAR web site to post your upcoming club sponsored events which might interest other NAMGAR members convenient to your area. Please use this FREE service to promote your MG or British car hobbyist event.

You may add your club events to the Calendar of Events by visiting the events page

Don’t forget to check out the Calendar of Events OFTEN.

Renkenberger Spirit Award

This award is presented by the NAMGAR Board of Directors to a member of a Chapter or Interest group upon request of the local Chapter. The member does not have to be a member of NAMGAR. Each NAMGAR Chapter or NAMGAR Interest Group is eligible to nominate one of their members every three (3) years. Don’t forget, our Interest groups can think about nominating one of their members. All Chapters and Interest groups have individuals that spend vast amounts of time and energy making the organization successful and this award is a very appropriate way of recognizing them. The guidelines are attached.

The award is prepared and sent to the Chapter Contact by NAMGAR upon receipt of the Chapter’s 300-400 word nomination submission to the Chapter Coordinators, along with a photograph of the awardee. These will be published in MGA! and also posted on the NAMGAR website. It should be noted that there is no cost to the Chapter for the award, which is provided by NAMGAR, and we do encourage each Chapter to use this award to recognize an outstanding member.

For more information on how to submit a nomination visit or contact the Chapter Coordinators.

Renkenberger Spirit Award – 2017 Recipients

  • Texas MG Register – Art Ziesk

Renkenberger Spirit Award – Past Recipients

  • Mid-Atlantic Chapter – Bill & Martha Ludtke (2008)
  • Houston MG Car Club – Ron Redding (2009)
  • SW Ontario Hoser Eh’s – John & Diane Burgess (2009)
  • Michigan Rowdies – Brian Beery (2010)
  • Milwaukee & Great Lakes MG Motor Car Group – Ed Kaufman (2010)
  • Columbia Gorge MGA Club – Bill Barnes (2010)
  • MG Car Club Northwest Center – Jim & Roberta Lumley (2010)
  • Ottawa MG Club – Len Fortin (2011)
  • Reno British Car Club – Jim Phelps (2011)
  • Key West British Car Club – Fred & Cindy Skomp (2012)
  • Mid-Atlantic Chapter – Bill Marshall (2012)
  • Central Virginia British Car Club – Carol Woodson (2012)
  • South Western Ontario Hoser Ehs – Mike Hosier and Nancy Payne (2013)
  • Victoria MG Club – Neil Fawdry (2013)
  • Ohio BuckAyes – Jeff Fields (2013)
  • MGCC Northwest Centre – Lee Orphan (2013)
  • San Diego MG Club – Wayne and Dee Johnson (2015)
  • Ottawa MG Club – Trish Adams (2015)
  • Mid-Atlantic Chapter – Butch & Judy Smith (2016)

Please share this newsletter with your Chapter and Interest Group members. We look forward to an active driving season coming up and hope you are able to attend the national GT or a Regional GT local to you. We also encourage each Chapter Contact to reach out to a neighboring Chapter to see if there are club activities that would be enhanced by including a larger pool of British vehicles.

Happy Motoring!

Ed Sass & Colleen Quinn, NAMGAR Chapter Coordinators