MAY/JUNE 2017, VOL 42 NO 5

MAY/JUNE 2017, VOL 42 NO 5

Behind the WheelNormally as I sit down to write the May/June column for MGA! I would think of things to mention along the lines of: “Hope you had a wonderful ‘Drive Your MGA Day,’” “Please be sure to send pictures to the editor at,” “Start preparing your cars for the summer driving season;” or “Have you sent in your registration for GT-42?” I am still thinking of all of those things and I certainly hope that you will be attending GT-42. I’m looking forward to it and will have gotten my registration and travel plans set by the time you’re reading this.

Normally that would have already been done, but Bill had spent a good part of both February and March combating the latest of his medical issues and as you may be aware, he didn’t win that battle as he left us all in March. We had been hoping to have some time to go to some of the places we hold dear in our hearts, but we all know that none of us know how long we have. I am grateful that he is no longer suffering.

One of the last things he said to me was that he didn’t want to leave me alone. I can truthfully say he didn’t – he left me with all of you. So many of you have reached out to me with cards, texts, emails; sending me your thoughts, prayers, and virtual hugs that I have been surrounded by love. Thank you so very much for sharing your memories of Bill with me and joining with me in the loss of a unique individual. He had a way of telling a story with a lot of embellishments (which meant the listener was definitely entertained).

This trait endeared him to many folks. Without a doubt he will live on in our memories. Some folks may question why would anyone join NAMGAR? There are the obvious reasons: to meet folks with the same passion for cars, for tech advice, for the outstanding magazine, and so on; but I can tell you that it’s because when you do join you become a member of one of the best families you could ever find. Thank you all for being my family. I am so grateful that Bill and I had made that trip to our first Regional in Key West years ago as that is when we decided that we could do something similar for NAMGAR in the Poconos. We enjoyed doing it so much that we even did it twice and ended up becoming much more involved in NAMGAR than we had ever thought about. I am truly blessed to have a wonderful support system in all of you.

As we are all getting a little older, the idea of going to a Regional seems to be more feasible for many. Now what we need are chapters hosting Regionals in their part of the country. There isn’t much planning: a welcome reception, some nice drives with activities, some dinners, and most importantly, time to become acquainted with some like-minded folks. Larry Pittman can give you guidance; so contact him at As I mentioned, attending enriched our lives in so many ways. I’ve already gotten some tech support from Bruce Woodson, our Tech Editor; just this morning he told me to be sure to not let the gasoline sit too long in the cars. This was a NAMGAR bonus as I hadn’t even asked or thought about asking. Good advice, as I may not have realized this or probably thought just starting them up would be enough. Hopefully I will find new homes for all three of them in the very near future.

In closing, I want to thank all of the chapters who have already responded with their assets and revenue amounts that will be needed to renew our insurance policy. If your chapter hasn’t, please send me an email.

Also, I can say wholeheartedly that I am looking forward to seeing you in Solvang! Safe travels always.