Behind the WheelHere it is almost the end of May and the temps are in the 50s. There is something definitely wrong with this scenario. It has rained all morning long and the wind is howling, but the only sign that it is springtime is the sun is trying to make an appearance. I definitely hope that by the time you read this the weather has become much more summerlike.

What plans have you made for this summer? Did you make it out to California for GT-42? Are you headed to other car related events or perhaps a trip to your favorite vacation destination? Whatever plans you’ve made or wherever you’re headed, be sure to have a great time.

What are my plans for the summer, you ask? Well, obviously a large part of my summer will be working on Bill’s estate, but I am taking some time for myself. I will be heading to Solvang, CA for GT-42, where I am looking forward to exploring the shops that I only got a glimpse of during the Board’s January trip there. I know that I will enjoy spending time with those from our NAMGAR family that have ventured there.

I will also be playing in the Mah Jongg Tournament that I took first place in last year. Let’s hope I can do a repeat performance. I am also looking forward to attending my youngest granddaughter’s dance recital; it’s hard to believe that she is almost as tall as me. I did get to attend her older sister’s lacrosse game and I’m looking forward to my daughter’s annual birthday celebration on the 4th of July. So even though the weather hasn’t been the nicest, it’s good to be closer to family.

I’m hoping by the time that you read this all three of Bill’s MGs will have found new homes. When they do, I’ll be sure to pass along the new owner information to our NAMGAR Registrar. If you find yourself also doing the same with any of your vehicles, please let Ben Nolan know the contact information for the new owner, as it will not only extend your membership but also give the new owner a six month membership. That’s a win-win for both of you!

I would like to extend a warm welcome to Dennis Urick as he takes on his new position of Communications Manager; “Welcome to the Board, Dennis.” Dennis will also be continuing in his position of Social Media Coordinator unless there is a volunteer out there that wishes to fill his shoes there. Also joining the NAMGAR staff following GT-42 is Bruce Mann who will take over the position of Marketing/Advertising Manager; “Welcome, Bruce.”

We had the opportunity at GT-42 to express our heartfelt thanks to both Michael Tooke and Randy Grossman as they leave these two positions. NAMGAR has been fortunate in having members continue to take an active role in our organization; if you feel you would also like to contribute in some way please contact me directly and let me know where your interest lies.

A big “thank you” to the chapters that have sent in their financial information (cash, assets, and revenue) and a gentle nudge to those who have not. This will be most helpful when we need to renew our insurance policy. All information can be sent to me.

The last part of my summer agenda is getting our home ready to be put on the market as I am building a new home which will be ready before the end of summer. Downsizing to a place where there will be no outside maintenance and no stairs are definitely plusses for this stage of my life. The difficult part will be deciding what gets to move with me and what do I say “goodbye” to. I’m sure you can imagine the time involved going through all the “stuff” that a person accumulates during their lifetime along with the “stuff” that they inherit along the way from parents, siblings, etc. I hope that I can accomplish this mammoth feat before I head south for the winter.

Wish me luck!