MAY/JUNE 2018, VOL 43 NO 5

MAY/JUNE 2018, VOL 43 NO 5

Behind the WheelWell, here it is Sunday afternoon, the sun is shining and I am sitting in a hotel lobby until it is time for my shuttle to the airport that starts my trek home following the conclusion of the annual NAMGAR Board meeting.

Everyone else has left town heading homeward and at least one has already arrived home. I found out later that my shuttle was scheduled a half hour later than I needed it to be, but fortunately I spoke up when I didn’t see the van in front of the hotel as expected and was able to get the situation corrected.

In looking back over the past few days, I have to say that it was a productive meeting with many good discussions that will be influencing the future direction of NAMGAR GTs and Regionals, hopefully making them easier for Chapters to host.

For those of you who may be curious, the Board typically spends two long days covering our agenda, which includes trying to formulate a balanced budget for the upcoming year. Also, many times we include meeting with a local group that will be hosting an upcoming GT to hear their plans, add our input, and tour the area, which adds another day to day and a half to our schedule. In any case, we usually return home with a list of to-do items, excitement about the upcoming events, and very much looking forward to sleeping in our own beds and re-energizing our bodies.

The Board was pleased to welcome our newest member, Dennis Urick, as he brings new ideas and a fresh outlook to the table. The fact that he is part of the GT-43 hosting group brought some extra insight into what is being planned for this coming June. You’ve been educated about GT-43 through the magazine, NAMGAR website, and the GT-43 website since January and I am hoping that you’ve already registered to join us in Richmond, VA for what promises to be a fantastic GT.

There is plenty of opportunity for you to volunteer in some aspect of NAMGAR. Ben Nolan is continuing to be our Registrar, but is looking for an apprentice (i.e., someone who wants to be the new Registrar) to work alongside him this year to learn the job. Naturally the position of Chairman will need a new person this coming January and that might mean the need for a new Vice Chairman as well. All of us are volunteers who have given time to NAMGAR and if you have a desire to do the same, please get in touch with me at If you have interest in another position that hasn’t been specifically mentioned, please let me know as perhaps there is a place for you to assist us.

NAMGAR hopes to be a living body that continues to change and meet the needs of its membership and in order to continue to not become stagnant, we need new volunteers willing to lend their hands to the jobs. So don’t be shy, step right up and help the cause!

It’s been over seven years since I took that first step and as I look back, it’s hard to believe that much time has passed. I relish the friendships that I have made along the way and cherish the memories of some really great events. I have most likely gained more than I gave and am glad that I took that frightening leap outside my comfort zone to explore the NAMGAR world. It’s been a great ride and I am so glad it’s not over. Come join me!