Allen Bachelder’s 1957 ZB Varitone: “Geraldine”

Allen Bachelder’s 1957 ZB Varitone: “Geraldine”
Allen Bachelder's 1957 ZB Varitone: "Geraldine"

“Geraldine” – Restoration completed in time for GT37, Dayton Ohio, in 2012. This was taken in our driveway the day we returned. Geraldine has a five-main 1800 engine, Rivergate/Datsun five-speed transmission, MGB 3.9 rear end, disc brakes in front, air-conditioning and Saab 900 front seats. The driveline changes were transformational! We can now cruise effortlessly and quietly since 5th gear now gives us 75 mph at 3,000 rpm.