Steve Giannoni & Lana Briscoe’s 1959 Magnette ZB

Steve Giannoni & Lana Briscoe’s 1959 Magnette ZB
Steve Giannoni & Lana Briscoe's 1959 Magnette ZB

We are Steve Giannoni P.E., and Lana Briscoe, of Northport, Long Island, New York, U.S.A., having acquired our 1959 MG Magnette, during August 2004. “Maggie” with 78K miles has apparently spent most of her life in Colorado, U.S.A., accounting for her pristine condition. I’m now into my early retirement, and while attempting to recapture my long lost college days of the 1960s, via Internet research, I found my beloved college car ( same year and model – different color ). Maggie’s a beautiful metallic gray green, with wooden ( mahogany and burly walnut ) and maroon leather interior. Exterior and wood in great condition but she’ll need a good reupholstering! Lana and I enjoy regular drives in Maggie she runs so well and is a sheer pleasure to drive.