FOR SALE: Life Long Motor Book Collection

My library will be sold in small bits and pieces over the following months. I begin by offering rare MG factory publicity literature and celebration brochures from the 1930’s All come in protected jackets. 1. MG Magna Fast Car that Holds the Road from the “Daily Herald” 10/17/32 2. MG One and a half Litre, illustrations by Harold Connolly 1937 3. at the Sign of the Octagon, factory tour 1932 4. What I think of the MG Car, testimonials 1937 5. The Luck of he Game Again, Ulster TT 1934 6. Mille Miglia, racing 1933 7. The Greatest Achievement of the Year, racing 1939 8. The Thrilling Story of Captain G.E.T. Eyston, 1937 9. Supremacy, racing 1934 10. Action MG 1935, racing 1935 11. Monoposto MG R type single seater, 6 page reprint from “The Light Car” 4/26/35 for details and prices or for my complete inventory contact…

Mark Harris