Side Roads Mar/Apr 2024

OK, I did not expect to be in the Vice Chairman role again, but it looks like I’m back, at least for now. As Dennis steps aside I’m stepping back in. With my return, I’ve decided to retain “Side Roads”, the Column Name I’d previously been using. I’m not sure how long I’ll be back in this position as I’ll be waiting until the next Vice Chairman is found. I’m also honored to be named Advisor Emeritus. This is a new position where I’ll be providing advice to board members on the best action(s) to take in a variety of circumstances or as the Board directs.

Maybe by the time you read this you might be starting to see warmer weather coming your way which also brings the promise of getting your MG(s) on the road again. If you live somewhere that provides year round top-down driving weather, then good for you. So far the weather here in Michigan has been more difficult than it has in several of the past winters. I did convince myself to spend some money on my “MG” building and add some insulation. So far, I only have a couple of stand alone heaters and we’ve had some very cold weather locally. It’s just been too cold to work out there lately even with the added insulation. However, the temps are inching up so working out there again may be on the horizon.

As I write this, it’s almost time to attend our annual Board Meeting. By the time you read this our board meeting will have been held and we’ll all be back home. We had a sizeable agenda to deal with. Interesting how there are always new challenges to deal with in an organization like NAMGAR. Of course, our personnel have changed, too, which can also affect the interaction at the meeting. The agenda looks to be fairly large. I hope that any issues you had with the NAMGAR organization were communicated to one of the board members so that it could be discussed at the meeting. Our get-together is planned for Welches, OR, to allow the board to become familiar with the location of GT-49. We also plan some time with the GT-49 team getting updated with their status. We hope to also be able to visit some local attractions.

Speaking of GT-49, I hope you all are aware that online registration is now open. We don’t get too many opportunities to have a GT near the west coast. So I hope many of you will take the time to attend as the Portland and Mt. Hood regions of Oregan are beautiful areas. If you have yet to register, I encourage you to do so right away.

I still have a Magnette in process. Frankly, I haven’t made a lot of progress. I’ve assembled the 5 main MGB engine I’ll be using to the 5 speed transmission. They’re mounted on a cart I can use to move them around as needed until installation. Most of the completed work on the body has been repair of the rust problems on the rockers. The right side is now complete, but no work as yet on the left side. The A has some work of its own that’s needed. On the drive to Memphis and back, I had several instances of the right front tire locking up when I braked hard. I’ve been told that it’s likely the flexible brake hoses causing the problem. The hoses currently on the car are just over 15 years old now so I’m overdue on getting them changed out. I have the new parts in hand, but have yet to get them installed. That’s a planned winter project that I have yet to get done. I’ve also had some issues with the poor running of the engine and have decided to rebuild the carburetors, something else that’s also over 15 years since their last rebuild. I hope to start that project very soon. I have one other update planned for the A which is to swap out the original 1500 drum brakes for disc brakes. I also have those parts on hand to make that change. I’d like to complete that change prior to the driving season but that’s not yet certain.

If you and/or your club has an interest in becoming a host club for a GT, contact me to get the ball rolling. Remember that NAMGAR can provide a substantial amount of help in hosting and organizing the GT. You really will look back on a GT you held remembering what a great time you had putting on the GT – give it a whirl.

Happy Motoring!