Side Roads May/Jun 2024

We’re now a few months into 2024 and the weather has been generally good. Winter’s not over yet as I write this, but it’s been a low key winter this year. I hope by the time you’re reading this, you’ve managed to make a few trips in your A or your Magnette. In Fact, Drive Your MGA Day, scheduled for May 4th, will have come and gone by the time this is in your hands. We’d be grateful if you sent some photos in of you and/or your club participating in Drive Your MGA Day. My club’s first event will be to celebrate Cecil Kimber’s birthday in mid April, so that day will also be behind us soon. I know that there’s a group of you out there that don’t experience the weather we see in Michigan so you might not understand my constant worries about the weather. My consolation is that we have really great summers here.
Our annual NAMGAR board meeting is now history for this year. It was held in Welches, OR, the site of this year’s GT. It was great to spend some time there and experience the location that everyone will be able to enjoy this summer. Remember that you’ll find online registration for GT-49 by going to Don’t delay getting registered as I understand that rooms are filling quickly. The dates for GT-49 are July 15 to 19. Also online, you’ll find a schedule of events for the week. The Columbia Gorge club, our hosts for the GT have put together a great schedule. There are some great driving roads in the Welches area so you don’t want to miss it. I don’t plan on driving my car there due to the distance from Michigan. I’m the first to admit that it’s just not as much fun without your car there. However, enjoying some great driving roads will still be fun. A number of us from the Michigan Rowdies are planning on taking Amtrak there. That should be an adventure of its own.
I’ve rebuilt my carbs, but have yet to get them installed back into the A. The cold weather has been partly to blame for keeping me from getting that done. Also not helping is the large amount of personal things I have going on. One way or another, those carbs are going back in soon! Also yet to happen is my plan to replace all the flexible brake hoses. Granted, that amounts to just 3 hoses, but the brake bleeding has to follow their replacement. I used to be able to talk Mitzi into helping me with that task, but I’ll be alone this time. I’m sure I’ll get it done, whether alone or with the help of a neighbor. Last on my list is to upgrade my front drum brakes to disc brakes. I’ve decided to host a ‘Day in the Garage’ this fall for that task. That usually makes for quick work in getting it done. Plus it’s always nice to have a reason to get-together with club members.
There are also a couple of NAMGAR sponsored Regionals this year that you should take advantage of if you’re able. The first is GOF Central 2024, being held in Newark, OH, from June 17 to 20. Hosting that Regional are the Ohio chapters of the MGTs and the BuckAyes of NAMGAR.
The second Regional is the Southeast British Car Festival being held in Dillard, GA, from Sept 12 to. 15. That Regional is being hosted by the Peachtree MG Registry and you may recognize it as their every other year event. It’s always popular and well attended.
Continue to Stay Safe and here’s to Happy Motoring this year!