New to NAMGAR: MarketPlace Photo Ads

New to NAMGAR: MarketPlace Photo Ads

NAMGARNEW! NAMGAR members can now place personal ads with a photo of their car in the MarketPlace section of MGA! and on the website.

Magazine photo ads will contain a text description limited to 365 characters with spaces (approximately 60 words) and a 2.25” wide x 1.34” tall high-resolution color photograph in .jpg format. The total ad will be 2.25” wide x 2.8” tall. The website ad will use the same material, but be less structured.

The cost is $30 per issue and includes a two month run on the NAMGAR website.

Send your Photo Ad material and payment to NAMGAR Advertising Manager, Randy Grossman at the address on the magazine Masthead (Page 4). Material can also be sent electronically to the Advertising Manager and payment via PayPal. Randy will forward the ad material to the Editor and Web Administrators for placement in the magazine and on the website.

Submit ads at any time, but the magazine ad deadline will be the 5th of even numbered months to allow time to prepare your ad for publication. Photos will be sized to fit the ad specifications. Photo ads will be posted promptly on the website. Sorry, refunds are not available if your vehicle sells before the magazine publication date (a bookkeeping nightmare). Text only MarketPlace personal ads are still free for NAMGAR members. Commercial photo ads are not available at this time.