Chairman’s Transmission
The Chairman’s regular column from MGA! magazine is posted in this section.
JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2015, VOL 40/NO 3 January 22, 2015 The Ride of a Lifetime As I pen my final article while Chairman, I find this month’s cover photo rather fitting, since I am about to drive off into the
NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2014, VOL 40/NO 2 November 25, 2014 Homework Assignments Back in high school I dreaded homework. All I wanted to do when I got home was play with cars. I guess some things have never changed. But
AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2014, VOL 40/No 6 September 29, 2014 Barn Finds Opening the old barn door and peering inside was like looking back in time. There were vintage cars everywhere. Some appeared to still be in drivable condition, while
JULY/AUGUST 2014, VOL 39/NO 6 August 5, 2014 Wow “Wow” is a phrase that probably gets used too often. But when it comes to MGs and NAMGAR, the word comes naturally and just seems to fit. Think about
MAY/JUNE 2014, VOL 39/NO 5 May 24, 2014 Nooks and Crannies I have always made fun of my wife’s travel needs. If we drive the MGA out of town, it is always packed full, even if just forMARCH/APRIL 2014, VOLUME 39/NO 4 March 19, 2014 Two Steps Forward. In order to move forward, sometimes you just have to stop and take one step back. How many times have you started to assemble something on your
JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2014, VOLUME 39 / NO 3 January 13, 2014 Chasing Classy Cars As I stepped off the airplane, I halfway expected to see a film crew waiting. At least I was beginning to think I was part of aSEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2013, VOLUME 39 / NO 1 October 1, 2013 O Carolina Sunrise through the evergreens. Another day is born. The hills take on a golden glow. A Carolina morn. Vince Gill got it right when singing about the site
JULY/AUGUST 2013, VOLUME 38 / NO 6 July 20, 2013 Timers As timing would have it, the deadline for this article is just prior to my leaving for GT-38. I am confident, however, that I can already congratulate our hostsMAY/JUNE 2013, VOLUME 38 / NO. 5 May 19, 2013 Face First I still don’t remember what happened. The Central Virginia Chapter of NAMGAR had participated in Motor Trend’s annual Auto Show in Richmond with a great display of vintage