Mac Spears Award Winner 2010

Mac Spears Award Winner 2010

Mac Spears Award Winner 2010In 1994 NAMGAR decided it would recognize people who make a significant contribution to the MG community, especially as it pertains to MGAs.

An award was created in the name of the first Chairman, and one of the founding members of the North American MGA Register, McGehee “Mac” Spears. To those who knew Mac, he was just a “good ole boy” from Arkansas with an infectious smile, a long drawl, kind words, and MG advice for anyone who asked.

Each year NAMGAR solicits nominations for this award in the Nov/Dec issue of MGA! magazine. Each nomination identifies someone who is a leader amongst his or her peers and takes a leadership role in ensuring that the MG “Marque of Friendship” is not just a slogan but an actual way of life. The nominee is someone who gives more than he or she receives. The nominees should truly encompass the MG spirit by actively promoting MGs, their club(s), Chapter(s), or NAMGAR.

Let me give you a few of the thoughts that were submitted concerning the current Mac Spears Founder’s Award winner.

We are the beneficiaries of his knowledge and generosity. His passion for MGs is infectious. He is the best ambassador for the joy, maintaining and driving an MG that I know. He always has time to help you. He is a human resource. He keeps us entertained, stirred up, and interested. He is truly the soul of the Magnette community.

The NAMGAR Mac Spears Founder’s Award winner is Allen Bachelder.